Aew Dynamite Anniversary

by admin

Are you ready to celebrate 30 years of Le Champion? 30 years of The Demo God? 30 years of the leader of the Inner Circle?

Well, get ready, because it's that time!

The road to AEW FULL GEAR 2020 next month continues with a special stop, as this week's AEW on TNT program features a '30 Years Of Chris Jericho' anniversary theme.


On tap for AEW Dynamite is the highly-anticipated 'Dog-Collar Match' for the TNT Championship with Mr. Brodie Lee defending against Cody, as well as the latest 'Brush With Greatness' title opportunity for an AEW tag-team, as TH2 gets a shot at the AEW Tag-Team Championships held by FTR.

Additionally, the AEW Dynamite: 30 Years Of Chris Jericho anniversary special will also feature Brian Cage from 'Team Taz' defending his FTW Championship against Will Hobbs, Big Swole will go one-on-one against Serena Deeb and the Inner Circle duo of Chris Jericho and Jake Hager will do battle in tag-team action against the team of Chaos Project -- Luther and Serpentico -- in the '30 Years In The Making' main event.

Featured below are complete AEW Dynamite: 30 Years Of Chris Jericho results from the Daily's Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, FL. from Wednesday, October 7, 2020.

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Instead of the usual signature opening video package kicking off this week's AEW Dynamite, we see a special video package with many of the stars of the All Elite Wrestling roster talking about their favorite Chris Jericho moments, and the speaking on the influence the legendary pro wrestler has had on their respective careers.

After the special Chris Jericho 30th Anniversary video package opener, we shoot LIVE inside the Daily's Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, FL. where pyro and fireworks explode at the top of the entrance stage. The camera then pans around the Daily's Place amphitheater to show off many of the safety-distance-practicing limited capacity audience in attendance for this week's show.

Once the camera sweeps by Miro, Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford playing video games on an old school arcade style game, the announce team is then shown on camera, as Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone and Excalibur are joined by Ricky Starks and Taz. The guys run down some of the action scheduled for tonight's show as various graphics are displayed to promote the matches.

FTW Championship
Will Hobbs vs. Brian Cage (c)

Now it's time to get down to business, as the bell sounds and AEW ring announcer Justin Roberts lends his vocals to the formal pre-match introductions for our opening contest here on AEW Dynamite this week, as a championship will be on-the-line.

On that note, Will Hobbs' theme song starts playing and the big fella makes his way down to the squared circle. Out next, to his own entrance tune, is 'The Machine' Brian Cage. He makes his way down to the ring as highlights of these two brawling on a past episode are shown.

The bell sounds again and these two big bulls immediately collide. Cage shows an apparent strength advantage early on, however Hobbs gets in his moments of offensive impressiveness straight out of the gate as well, while Taz on guest commentary gives credit to Hobbs for being one of the few men on the AEW roster who can match Cage in the strength department.

Cage gets Hobbs to the top rope and climbs up after him, hitting a nice suplex for a near fall. As 'The Machine' takes it to the challenger in this FTW Championship bout, we hear the announcers tell some of the background story of Hobbs, who has a quite an interesting story. Hobbs gets in some hope spots, however Cage cuts his momentum short and decks him while Taz yells at him from the announce table for not remaining focused the entire time.

'The Machine' slams Hobbs down and hits a beautiful standing moonsault for another near fall. Cage slaps a rear chin lock on the big man now, while the fans clap and rally behind Hobbs in an effort to provide moral support and get him back into the battle.

It works, as Hobbs escapes the rear chin-lock after returning to his feet, and executing a nice back suplex to slow Cage down. Once they each get back to a vertical base, we see Hobbs connect on a few consecutive clotheslines and finishing off his offensive sequence with a flying shoulder tackle. Hobbs looks for his Last Will & Testament spinebuster, however he doesn't get it.

Hobbs blasts Cage with a nice powerslam. Hobbs goes for double under-hooks but Cage escapes. He turns and walks into a modified sidewalk slam into a pin attempt for a close near fall.

From there, the momentum shifts into the favor of Cage in drastic fashion, as the FTW Champion completely takes over the action in the ring and is dominating the large challenger with punishing powerful offense.

We build to an interesting spot where Cage hits a nice german suplex, only for Hobbs to no-sell it, stand right back up like the Ultimate Warrior just took a pedigree from a young Triple H on WWE's grandest stage of them all, blasting Cage with a german suplex of his own.

This gets Hobbs' some momentum, and now the challenger is making another impressive offensive showing. Hobbs connects on his Last Will & Testament spinebuster finisher on Cage and covers him, however the FTW Champion is still in this one, kicking out just before the count of three.

Hobbs didn't seem to know what to do after his best moves couldn't finish the job, which the announcers explain on commentary, and within a minute, Cage hits his finisher on Hobbs and scores the pin fall victory, successfully retaining his FTW Championship in the process.

Winner and STILL FTW Champion: Brian Cage

After The Match: Taz Plays The Option Game With Will Hobbs

After the match, Taz gives Will Hobbs the opportunity to 'play the option game.' Options A. is accept the offer he is extending to him right now to join Team Taz.

He goes on to inform him that Option B. is that Hobbs can refuse Option A. and turn down the invitation to join Team Taz, which comes with a free ass-whooping from Brian Cage and Ricky Starks right here and now on the spot.

As Hobbs stands up and is about to have to make this unfortunate choice, he is saved before he is completely stuck with his back against the wall, as the familiar theme of Darby Allin plays. AEW's skateboarding bad ass wheels his way down to the squared circle and runs off Team Taz, as Taz threatens Allin and promises he will soon learn to quit sticking his nose in Team Taz business.

Slash, Dennis Miller, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Ted Irvine & Bully Ray On 30 Years Of Jericho

Before we head to a commercial break, we shoot to what is likely the first of many video packages that will lead into commercial breaks throughout the show, as various celebrities, wrestlers and others talk about '30 Years Of Chris Jericho.'

Shown in the first '30 Years Of Chris Jericho' testimonial vignettes are Slash from the legendary rock group Guns 'N' Roses, comedian and actor Dennis Miller, New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW) star Hiroshi Tanahashi, former NHL player and Chris Jericho's father Ted Irvine, and WWE Hall Of Fame legend Bully Ray.

After they each say some kind words about 'Le Champion,' with Bully Ray even toasting 'The Demo God' with '#ALittleBitOfTheBubbly,' we head to our first commercial break of the evening.

Jon Moxley & Lance Archer AEW Title Match Hype

We return from the break to the voice of Jim Ross setting up a special video package that promotes the advertised AEW World Championship showdown between current title-holder Jon Moxley and the number one contender and winner of the AEW ALL OUT Casino Battle Royale, 'The Murderhawk Monster' Lance Archer.

Archer talks about a past death-match meeting against Moxley from early in both of their respective careers, while Jake 'The Snake' Roberts is shown doing a meniacal laugh a few times.

Aew dynamite preview

The video package wraps up and we head back inside the Daily's Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, FL., as Jim Ross gives us a reminder that next week's edition of AEW Dynamite will feature the highly-anticipated Jon Moxley vs. Lance Archer match for the AEW World Championship as the main event.

AEW Tag-Team Championships
TH2 vs. FTR (c)

From there, we hear the theme music of a tag-team that is on a nice win streak heading into a big opportunity for them this evening, as TH2 make their way to the ring for their title shot against FTR.

After that, the theme of FTR plays as the reigning, defending AEW Tag-Team Champions -- Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler -- make their way to the ring accompanied by Tully Blanchard.

The bell sounds and it's time for our second match of the evening, which also happens to be our second of three scheduled title matches on tonight's show, to officially get underway.

Early on, we see Jack Evans get off to a good start, which is supported by Angelico. The two clear the ring of FTR, as Harwood and Wheeler remain on the floor to talk things over with Blanchard after the early portion of this match doesn't go as they had hoped.

Now we see Evans and Angelico take turns hitting excellent high spots from the top-rope to the floor, taking out both members of FTR in the process. Back in the ring, things remain in the favor of the challengers until Harwood finally shifts the momentum in the favor of the tag champs.

Aew Dynamite Full Episodes

Harwood turns up the violence meter a few notches, as he adds insult to injury after knocking the TH2 members out to the floor. As he tags in Wheeler picks up where he left off as the announcers talk us into a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the action continues inside the ring.

We're back from the break and we see Angelico has both members of FTR locked in a submission at the same time on the mat. Evans tags in and hits a flying foot-stomp off the top as Angelico held Wheeler up on his shoulders. Evans goes for the pin but doesn't get it.

Now we see TH2 try one-too-many quick back-and-forth tags, as well-timed interference by FTR outside of the ring leads to them being tripped up. This led to FTR taking over the offensive momentum in the match, as they settle into a comfortable lead.

Evans is the legal man, and now he's starting to make a comeback. Evans goes off the top rope with a crazy high spot, and it didn't seem to go his way as even Jim Ross questioned if he landed on the side of his head and hurt himself more than his intended target. A crazy bridge pin attempt from Evans leads to Dax being forced to dig down deep to kick out before the count of three.

Harwood with a release german suplex on Evans, however he lands on his feet. One of his legs has been the focal point of FTR's attack throughout the match, however, and it gave out upon his landing. This allows Harwood to take back over on offense. He hits a tiger suplex for a close near fall. Now he sits Evans on the top-rope and he tags in Wheeler.

They hit a nice suplex-top-rope splash double-team finisher, which J.R. speculates was directed towards The Young Bucks, to score the pin fall victory and retain their AEW Tag-Team Championships in this week's 'Brush with Greatness.'

Winners and STILL AEW Tag-Team Champions: FTR

Backstage: The Young Bucks Give An Elite Reaction To FTR

The craziness and predictable unpredictability from The Young Bucks is on display immediately after FTR pick up the victory over TH2, as we see Nick and Matt Jackson backstage.

The two admit to themselves that 'those guys are pretty good' when shown reacting to the win picked up by Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler just now. They notice that they are being 'spied on' by the camera pan, and they turn their attention to them.

They talk about how they should hit the camera man with their favorite move. On that note, we see Nick and Matt Jackson deliver super-kicks in stereo sound to another unsuspecting, innocent target as their anger issues continue to get the better of them.

Best Friends Mock FTR, Announce Tag-Title Showdown For Next Week

The Best Friends then have some fun at FTR's expense next, as we see FTR dressed up as hot-dogs wearing the AEW Tag-Team Titles.

This leads to Chuck and Trent making their way down to the ring, where they have some fun calling Harwood and Wheeler 'weenies' when referring to the aforementioned parody photograph displayed on the big entrance screen.

Now we see the duo and FTR get physical, as a brief scuffle ensues between the two teams, culminating with the announcement from Chuck and Trent that they have been granted an AEW Tag-Team Championship opportunity -- and it will go down next week on AEW Dynamite. We see a 'Best Friends Hug' to end the segment.

MJF, Shaq, Gene Simmons, Don Callis, Lars Ulrich & DDP On 30 Years Of Jericho

MJF, Shaquille O'Neal, Gene Simmons from KISS, Don Callis, Lars Ulrich from Metallica and Diamond Dallas Page are shown, in that order, in the latest video testimonials recorded in honor of '30 Years Of Chris Jericho.'

First, we see Maxwell Jacob Friedman who is live backstage, and he cuts a promo in the same fashion that he and Jericho have been doing when talking to and/or about each other in recent weeks. MJF pretends to be giving a touching memory of Jericho, when in reality, the story was about a moment in his young career when he claimed Jericho pulled him aside and thanked him for inspiring him.

Then we shoot to quick-hit video testimonials from the aforementioned group of celebrity athletes, musicians and pro wrestling stars, before J.R. informs us that the Dog-Collar Match for the TNT Championship is up after the break. On that note, we head to a commercial.

TNT Championship (Dog-Collar Match)
Cody vs. Mr. Brodie Lee (c)

We return from the commercial break to an in-depth video package telling the story of the ongoing rivalry between 'The American Nightmare' Cody and 'The Exalted One' of the Dark Order -- Mr. Brodie Lee.

The package culminates with the announcement last week of the Dog-Collar Match for the TNT Championship for this week's show, as well as the subsequent pull-apart brawl all over the Daily's Place amphitheater.

From there, we shoot back LIVE inside Daily's Place where the familiar sound of the theme song of 'The American Nightmare' plays, as Cody makes his way down to the ring accompanied by his wife, Brandi Rhodes, as well as 'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson.

Once they settle into the ring, the camera cuts back to the entrance tunnel and the theme music playing inside the house changes, as the reigning, defending TNT Champion -- Mr. Brodie Lee -- makes his way to the squared circle accompanied by a couple members of The Dark Order.

Now we are treated to an extensive, formal pre-match intro from AEW ring announcer Justin Roberts for this, our TNT Championship Dog-Collar Match. Roberts first introduces the AEW ringside physician, Dr. Michael Sampson. Then he introduces a special guest sitting in the crowd, the man who was one-half of the most violent Dog-Collar Matches of all-time against the late, great, 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper, none other than WWE Hall Of Fame legend Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine.

Justin Roberts now turns his attention to the two participants competing for the TNT Championship in this first-ever AEW Dog-Collar Match -- 'The American Nightmare' Cody and 'The Exalted One' Mr. Brodie Lee. J.R. talks us into one final pre-match commercial break.

We're back from the break and after he blasts an unsuspecting John Silver on the ring apron, knocking him to the floor, Cody and Mr. Brodie Lee are tied together by the neck with a dog-collar and chain. The bell sounds and this unique TNT Championship contest is now officially underway.

The action doesn't take long to get violent, as the champion and the challenger are already on the floor outside the ring exchanging a variety of strikes as the announcers run down some of the AEW stars watching from the first few rows as they did not want to miss this one.

After enjoying a nice offensive run in the early goings, we watch now as 'The Exalted One' shifts the momentum in his favor after recovering outside the ring following a crazy Cody tope suicida dive spot. Now we see Lee bust Cody open with the chain attached to their respective dog-collars.

'The American Nightmare's' face is a crimson mask now, which has become almost 'the norm' when it comes to these TNT Championship matches on AEW Dynamite. Before we head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break, however, Cody shifts the offensive momentum in his favor by yanking on the chain while on the floor, which pulled Lee off the ring apron outside the ring ropes, where he fell right into a waiting cutter from 'The American Nightmare.'

We're back from the break and J.R. immediately talks us through highlights and replays of a crazy spot that took place during the break, as Cody hit a wicked package-piledriver from the ring apron outside of the ring ropes through an announce table set up at ringside.

Back live, the action has since returned to the ring, where Cody is still very much in the offensive driver's seat in this violent dog-collar match. The announcers explain the extremely bloody face of 'The Exalted One,' as his face is soaked in more dark red blood than Cody's since the tables turned during the break.

The announcers talk about the laceration on Brodie Lee's head being a very deep one and one that the blood is free-flowing out of control from. Cody continues to bring the punishment to the TNT Champion regardless, as he takes it to The Dark Order leader in the ring. He does one cool spot where he wraps the chain around Lee's neck and the steel ring post, setting up a modified pully-system that's designed to choke the living crap out of Brodie Lee's throat. It worked quite well, too!

After he is finally allowed to get some breath in his lungs, we see Brodie Lee recover and now he is taking it to Cody, showing his impressive toughness in the process. As he takes it to Cody, he loses his cool for a second, throwing a steel chair like a MLB fastball from an in-his-prime Nolan Ryan directly at the dome of a seemingly unsuspecting Arn Anderson, who dodged it literally just at the last split-second. John Silver from The Dark Order ends up coming in the ring, only to be greeted by a waiting spinebuster from 'The Enforcer.'

This sequence of events provided enough time for Cody to regain his barrings, and now he's back to enjoying the offensive momentum in his favor, as he's taking it to the reigning TNT Champion with fists wrapped in the steel chain. Cody hits a Cross Rhodes out of nowhere on Lee and he quickly covers him, only for Lee to kick out before the ref can even count to two.

Brodie Lee immediately pops up with a demented, sadistic smile on his face. He blasts Cody with a couple of big kicks and a follow-up power bomb. He quickly follows up with an immediate pin attempt of his own, however Cody doesn't need much time to get his shoulder up either.

Both guys are down now as the referee does a double count following a massive superplex off the top-rope, which we are shown a bunch of immediate replays of from alternate camera angles.

Back on their feet, Lee hits a nice release german suplex. He goes for the Discus Lariat, however Cody had the move well-scounted, as he avoided it and countered with his Final Cut clothesline. He fires up now and wraps the chain around the face of Lee, with the chain going into the eye-sockets and mouth of Lee, similar to the memorable images from the Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine Dog-Collar Match from the inaugural NWA Starrcade event.

Cody follows up with his Cross Rhodes finisher and covers 'The Exalted One.' 1-2-3. We have ourselves a new TNT Champion, the first-ever two-time TNT title-holder, 'The American Nightmare' Cody.

Winner and NEW TNT Champion: 'The American Nightmare' Cody

'Freshly Squeezed' Battles 'The American Nightmare' On Dynamite Anniversary

After the match, 'The American Nightmare' Cody celebrates with the TNT Championship in the ring while Brandi Rhodes, Arn Anderson, Dustin Rhodes and others join him.

Meanwhile, the entire Dark Order crew are shown reacting in a state of disbelief as they one-by-one head to the backstage area.

Now Cody cuts a post-match promo, getting very emotional in the process, fighting back tears as he says virtually every word during this segment. He claims he doesn't pander to the fans, this is his life.

He goes on to promise to pick up where he left off, defending the TNT Championship against the most deserving contenders every chance he can.

On that note, he announces that he is going to defend the TNT Championship next Wednesday night on the AEW Dynamite One-Year Anniversary special episode.

This brings out 'Freshly Squeezed', who sticks his thumb up to signify his interest and to ask Cody without saying anything if he accepts his challenge. Cody, seemingly understanding this form of communication, gives him a thumbs up in return.

The announcers then confirm Cody vs. Orange Cassidy for the TNT Championship as the third officially announced title match for the special one-year anniversary edition of AEW Dynamite on TNT next week. After this, we head to a commercial break.

Kenny Omega Interview, 3 More No. 1 Contender Tourney Participants

We're back from the break and we are informed of three additional participants for the No. 1 Contender Tournament announced last week to decide the next challenger to the AEW World Championship after the Moxley-Archer bout scheduled for next week's anniversary special.

The three latest competitors officially announced for the AEW Championship No. 1 Contender Tournament are Wardlow, Colt Cabana and 'Hangman' Adam Page. They join the previously announced trio of tournament participants, which includes Jungle Boy, Rey Fenix and Kenny Omega.

Speaking of Omega, he gives a quick backstage interview for a brief segment before we head back to the ring, as he reacts to the news that his former AEW Tag-Team Championship partner 'Hangman' Adam Page has also entered himself into the same singles tourney that Omega will be competing in. Omega no-sold it like a non-issue.

Big Swole vs. Serena Deeb

We shoot back live inside the Daily's Place amphitheater where we get ready for our next match of the evening here on this week's AEW on TNT program.

Our next bout will take place in the AEW women's singles division, as the advertised showdown between Big Swole and Serena Deeb is up next.

On that note, both women make their respective ring entrances. The bell sounds and we're off-and-running with our latest match here on the '30 Years Of Chris Jericho' special edition of Dynamite.

We see Swole jump off to an early offensive advantage before the announce team leads us into a quick mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break.

We're back from the break and we see Big Swole starting to fight her way back into the contest, only for Serena to counter it and deck her with a big move. Now she goes for the roundhouse elbow, however Swole avoids it and returns to a vertical base.

Serena tries another spinning elbow, but Swole avoids that too and blasts Deeb with a big forearm shot. She follows that up with a big boot to the grill. Now she hits her Rolling Elbow and scores the pin. Big Swole picks up the victory.

Winner: Big Swole

Jon Moxley Flips A Coin For 'Everybody Dies' Pre-Lance Archer Promo

We are told by the announce team that Jon Moxley has some interesting words for the challenger he will be facing on next week's special AEW Dynamite One-Year Anniversary show.

On that note, we shoot over to a pre-taped promo segment with the reigning AEW World Champion Jon Moxley sitting alone at a bar with a drink and a quarter.

Moxley talks about October 14th being an important date in All Elite Wrestling history, as it marks one-year of AEW Dynamite on TNT. He says unlike most, however, he won't be celebrating next week.

No, 'The Purveyor of Violence' goes on to talk about how next week could be a very bleak affair for him, and could very well mark the day he loses and the person he loses the AEW Championship to when he squares off against 'The Murderhawk Monster.'

The leader of the 'Paradigm Shift' in the pro wrestling business goes on to flip a coin and say it could be him or it could be Lance Archer who leaves the one-year anniversary episode of AEW Dynamite as the AEW World Champion. He finishes his drink, says 'everybody dies!' and walks off.

Lance Storm, Kevin Smith, Eli Roth, Gabriel Iglesias, Chavo Guerrero, Steel Panther, Ultimo Dragon & Paul Stanley On 30 Years Of Jericho

After a quick stop by the commentary table where Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone and Excalibur run down some of the matches and action scheduled for the special one-year anniversary edition of AEW Dynamite on next Wednesday's show on TNT, we go to our latest tips of the cap to 'The Demo God.'


In the latest video testimonials from celebrity athletes, actors and pro wrestling stars, we hear memories and kind words about 'Le Champion' from Lance Storm, film director Kevin 'Silent Bob' Smith, critically-acclaimed horror movie director and actor Eli Roth, comedian and actor Gabriel Iglesias along with Chavo Guerrero Jr., who is live via Skype because he is on lockdown in Australia, rock band Steel Panther, Ultimo Dragon and Paul Stanley from the legendary rock band KISS.

On that note, we head to another commercial break with our main event of this week's special '30 Years Of Chris Jericho' edition of AEW Dynamite on deck.

30 Years In The Making
Chaos Project vs. Chris Jericho & Jake Hager

We're back from the break and already in the ring we see the team of Chaos Project -- Luther and Serpentico. On their way to the ring are their opponents for this '30 Years In The Making' main event match here on AEW Dynamite, the Inner Circle duo of Chris Jericho and Jake Hager.

The fans sing along as Judas from Fozzy plays, and as always, they continue to sing and get even louder when the actual music cuts off. Jericho and Hager are settled into the squared circle now and it's time for our headline attraction on this week's AEW on TNT broadcast.

Early on it is the Chaos Project duo that finds themselves enjoying some offensive control, taking it to Jericho and Hager. Serpentico is showcasing his high-flying ability and skills, helping Chaos Project remain in control of the action. As the Inner Circle duo start to shift the momentum in their favor, we head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the action continues.

We return from the break to J.R. calling the action, saying that Jericho looks like British Bulldog with a nice standing suplex. Jericho did his trademark cocky heel spot on that move. Excalibur talks about Jericho hitting a successful Lionsault off the middle rope during the break, explaining to the viewers at home that the move that 'Le Champion' used frequently early in his career was developed by Jericho and Luther early in their careers.

Now we see a crazy dive from Serpentico to a bunch of bodies on the floor. That is followed up by Luther going to the top rope and he comes off with a flip splash onto the entire crew of bodies outside the ring. Back in the ring with Jericho as the legal man laid out in the middle of the squared circle, Luther goes up to the top-rope and comes off with another flip splash for a near fall. He remains in control now, slipping off the apron as he gets ready for his next spot. He climbs up to the top rope again and while holding Jericho's hair / the back of his head, he comes flying off, driving Jericho face-first into the mat with strong emphasis on the way down.

Jericho goes for a Judas Effect out of nowhere, however Luther avoids it. Serpentico hits a crazy flying high spot on Jericho, and Luther tries to cover him afterwards, however Jericho survives. Now 'Le Champion' calls for 'Floyd' the baseball bat, however Luther intercepted it as it came flying over the top-rope from an Inner Circle member on the floor.

Unfortunately for Luther, however, seconds later he drops the bat and turns around into a Judas Effect that was waiting for him from 'The Demo God.' It's time to sing everybody's favorite Fozzy hit for the second time now, as 'Judas' plays after the Inner Circle leader scored the pin fall to earn the victory for he and Jake Hager in the '30 Years In The Making' main event of the evening.

Winners: Chris Jericho & Jake Hager

Chris Jericho 30th Anniversary Celebration

After picking up the victory, we hear from 'Le Champion' himself now, as the man of the hour has a microphone and his theme song cuts off.

Chris Jericho thanks everyone and appears to be doing a traditional 'thanks for everything' type of baby face promo while The Inner Circle stands around the ring behind him.

Instead, however, the theme of MJF plays and he makes his way down to the ring with a microphone. He says this isn't about him and asks for his music to be cut off.

MJF goes on to say that he is here to help ring in '30 Years Of Chris Jericho.' He says it's 'Gift O'Clock' now and he starts delivering his presents to the man of the hour.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman reveals a special clown that he brought with him to help the Inner Circle leader celebrate his 30th anniversary in the wrestling business.

MJF then hands him an actual present. Jericho opens it to reveal it is a framed photo of MJF. Jericho takes the framed picture and smashes it over the clown's head, shattering the glass in the process. He follows up with a Judas Effect on the clown.

Jericho tells MJF that he hates clowns and warns him to never interrupt him again. As they appear ready to throw down, they each smile and reveal they were just kidding.

Some music plays and the entire locker room heads down to the ring to help wrap the show up by celebrating with the man of the hour as the special '30 Years Of Chris Jericho' edition of AEW Dynamite ends with credits rolling vertically up the screen, with Chris Jericho's name listed for each credit shown.

Aew Dynamite Anniversary

That will do it for this week's special AEW Dynamite: Chris Jericho 30th Anniversary Celebration. Make sure to join us again next week for LIVE AEW Dynamite one-year anniversary show results coverage.

Follow eWrestling's AEW Dynamite live results reporter Matt Boone on Twitter for additional AEW coverage @MattBoone1984.


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30 years in the making and he's not done yet 😤 What's your favorite @IAmJericho memory?

— All Elite Wrestling on TNT (@AEWonTNT) October 7, 2020